People Analytics Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph Project

People Analytics Knowledge Graph: Advanced Skills Discovery and Workforce Insights

Developed a Clone of The NASA People Analytics Framework from ground-up till pre-production phase, during my tenure at Entomo(KPISoft).

Key features include:

  • Comprehensive Data Integration: Combines diverse data sources including employee information, occupations, training records, and mission data into a unified knowledge graph.
  • Advanced Skills Identification: Utilizes natural language processing and machine learning techniques (e.g., Doc2Vec) to extract and infer skills from various textual sources.
  • Dynamic Relationship Mapping: Establishes connections between employees, skills, occupations, and training, enabling multidimensional analysis of workforce capabilities.
  • Predictive Analytics: Employs graph algorithms and data science techniques to identify skills gaps, suggest career paths, and support succession planning.
  • Talent Marketplace: Facilitates internal job matching by comparing employee profiles with job requirements based on identified skills and competencies.
  • Strategic Workforce Alignment: Provides insights into skill distribution across projects, programs, and missions, supporting strategic decision-making.

Check out the detailed process of implementation below

Project Demo